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Friday, September 30, 2011

Tibetan religious heads meet to ponder over Dalai Lama reincarnation

Dharamshala, Sep 22 (ANI): Chief monks from the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism met here today to discuss the future of their religion and reincarnation of their spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.

The heads of the four Buddhist sects Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug, along with other senior Buddhist monks are also expected to discuss ways to improve Buddhist teaching to make them more relevant to the changing times during the three-day conference.

"The basic agenda is usual how to improve and disseminate the Buddhist teaching but it may also discuss about reincarnation issue," said Samdhong Rinpoche, former Tibetan PM in-exile.

Senior monks from Tibetan settlements across India and neighbouring countries of Nepal and Bhutan have come to participate in the three day conference.

"The lamas are mainly from Tibetan settlements. We also have lamas coming from Nepal, Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh and other corners of Tibetan settlements and the purpose is just to hold the 11th Buddhist religious conference which is normally held after almost every two to three years," said DN Cheodak, Secretary of religion and culture department of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). (ANI)

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