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London, UK -- Say Namaste to this year’s Omtastic movies, which include the story of Buddha, a monastery Film Noir- if you will- and the adventure of a Buddhist nun named Karma, as this years annual International Buddhist Film Festival kicks off today.

The festival starts on a high note with the showing of “The Buddha,” which explores the life of the 6th century prince who found enlightenment and inspires Buddhists followers to this day. Also, Richard Gere, who has been a Buddhist since a 1978 visit to Nepal, narrates the film. “The Buddha” is shot on location in India, the United States as well as Nepal and features animations to add color to the story of the spiritual teacher.
On Thursday, the film, “Mindfulness and and Murder” takes us to the back alleys of Bangkok as we follow an ex-detective turned Buddhist monk trying to solve the mystery of a homeless corpse that was left in front of his monastery.
Among the notable films to be featured at this year’s festival is “Karma,” the story of a Buddhist nun searching for funds for her leaders death. The film also gives viewers a rare glimpse into the lives of Tibetan nuns.
The festival is a treat for western viewers. Most of the films will be debuts in the Western sphere. For more information, Check out the festival’s website for a full list and synopsis of each of the films.