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Seoul, South Korea -- Bulguksa temple in Kyeongju, Korea is a UNESCO World Heritage site and literally means the “The Temple of Buddha’s Country.” Here in the center courtyard, two pagodas, known as the Dabotap and Seokgatop stand in grandeur. The two pagodas symbolize the incarnations of Buddha.

The Seokatap is very simple and has a basic design with three stores and gives off a sense of balance and symmetry. This pagoda is over 1,000 years and said to be build in the Baekje dynasty.
On September 27th, 2012 the Bulguksa temple began the major restoration project of the Shakyamuni pagoda (Seokatap in Korean). During its restoration project, the team found various Buddhist treasures and artifacts buried under the base of the pagoda.
In 1966, the Mugujeonggwang Great Dharani Sutra was found within the pagoda and enlisted as the National Treasure No. 126. This Dharani Sutra is the oldest woodblock print material in existant of the world. Also found was a sarira box with other various Buddhist treasures such as a bronze Buddha, and mirrors.
Venerable Sungta, the abbot of Bulguksa monastery states that the total restoration of the Seokatap is the only way to preserve the Seokatap’s original beauty and for the future generations to enjoy and appreciate this pagoda.
During this restoration, the Seokatap will be completely dismantled and put together for complete restoration and is estimated to cost about USD 3million.
Various housing was placed around the Seokatap so tourists and pilgrims can still visit the Seokatap during its restoration.
It has been stated that the base of the pagoda is unstablee and the resotration team plans to rebuild and restore the base for the balance and stability of the Seokatap.
The Seokatap is over 1,300 years old and the restoration is a three year project and the perfectly restored Seokatap will reveal it’s original beauty once again in 2015.